Movers & Shakers Spotlight – Anu Mukherjee

Anu Mukherjee is the Quality Assurance (QA) and Project Management Office Manager (PMO) at Colas IS Support, the information technology arm of Colas USA.

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Describe your role to someone who is not familiar with the construction industry or Colas USA.
This position is part of the ISS Applications Team, Colas IS Support is the information technology arm of Colas USA. We work to provide timely access to information and knowledge in an integrated, open, and collaborative environment, and aim to be the standard bearer for excellence in quality, customer service, and reliability.

My role expanded from overseeing the quality aspect and change management for all Colas ISS departments to oversee and manage the PMO department with a vision to implement industry best practices around the both PMO and Quality functions.

What has been your favorite project so far?
Implementing processes and procedures to deliver quality products/projects to business on time.

What drew you to working within the construction industry?
We are the IT arm of Colas and help business to carry out their day-to-day work using various technologies. What inspired me to join Colas ISS was the opportunity to build the quality function for IT projects from scratch.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work every day?
The people that I work with and the opportunity to bring positive change.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I don’t know how to swim.

What is one recommendation you could make to help Colas USA operate better?
Investment in technology, inclusion, and gender equity. We still have a long way to go.

From her nomination:
“Good leadership is not just being in charge, it also comes from creating a positive, productive and constructive environment. Anu’s group cares, they try hard, and they deliver. This is a direct result of the character that Anu displays on a consistent basis. Anu helps provide that positive leadership beyond just her own team. The introduction of that QA team at Colas ISS didn’t stop with just her team. Anu has provided new ideas, fresh takes, and more across the group to help improve quality in everyone’s approach.”