Women of Influence Spotlight – Paulina Schiliro

Paulina Schiliro is the Communications Manager at Colas IS Support, the information technology arm of Colas USA.

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Describe your role to someone who is not familiar with the construction industry or Colas USA.
Answering the question, “what do you do for work,” always leaves a smile on my face. My response is much different than I originally anticipated when I started with Colas. My role is the IT (information technology) Communications Manager at a decentralized global construction company. Our business strives to be industry leaders at not just a national, but global scale. One of the key components to staying ahead of the curve and leading, is the constantly changing technology that quietly supports our businesses.

In my role, I proudly work hard to promote the technical advances we are making and ensure our businesses feel prepared and excited during their integration processes.

What has been your favorite project so far?
I’ve had many favorite projects, but one that stands out is actually my first marketing and adoption campaign at Colas. It was for our application ORE (Operational Reporting Engine) and its rollout within North America. I was brought onto the project to run the marketing campaign to drive adoption within our North American subsidiaries. I had the opportunity to create a strategic marketing campaign using emails, videos, webinars among other resources while working with champions at each of our subsidiaries and members of Colas Inc. I think one of the reasons I enjoyed this project so much was the opportunity to work collaboratively with colleagues I don’t often overlap with, and then months later hearing that this system had a positive impact on their businesses.

What drew you to working within the construction industry?
What really drives me is being challenged. Having no background in construction or IT, I was very intrigued by the opportunity to apply my skillset in a new industry. After researching Colas USA during my application process, I was thoroughly impressed by the active global network Colas has and the vast scope of what Colas does, from manufacturing to building infrastructure. I felt an overwhelming pull towards an industry I wasn’t familiar with and so much excitement to learn. I have to say in the 2.5 years I’ve been with the group, I am still learning something new every single day from people I meet in the field, office visits or even at conferences where I absorb tricks of the trade.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work every day?
I’m motivated by the success of my teams and being a key contributor in driving change and moving the needle towards our goals. I grew up playing team sports and still chase the feeling of “winning” with a solid team by my side. From the beginning of my time with Colas, my team has expanded past ISS, I’ve had the pleasure of working on projects with colleagues not only at our US subsidiaries but expanded to our global IT network as well. Being an active contributor on project teams is a huge motivating factor for me because I feel empowered when I know my teammates can rely on me.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I don’t think many people know my family has a background in politics and in my undergraduate degree, I focused on a leadership and public advocacy with hopes of becoming involved in politics. Now, I feel very relieved that I took a temp job in Marketing my senior year of college and fell in love with a new industry.

From her nomination:
“Paulina has been an amazing and triumphant asset to ISS, bringing awareness of the company and its processes internally and externally. Not only is she putting ISS back on the map and closer to the business, but also promotes public facing via LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Paulina’s strategic insight, leadership, and dedication have positioned our company for sustained success. Her impact on our organization is profound, and she is a true asset to our team. I recommend Paulina for recognition as a key contributor to our company’s achievements. Everyone around Paulina notices how incredibly hard-working and thorough she is. She is the glue in the Colas ISS subsidiary connecting them to the rest of Colas through her clear communication skills and hard work.”