Women of Influence Spotlight – Cynthia Bradbury

Cynthia Bradbury is the Provisioning Analyst at Colas IS Support, the information technology arm of Colas USA.

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Describe your role to someone who is not familiar with the construction industry or Colas USA.
In my role, I connect associates through the USA via mobile devices. I ensure the devices can connect, and also help our associates complete their day-to-day tasks. The most important part of my day is making sure anyone is able to call 9-1-1 for emergency services, as we work in a highly dangerous industry.

What has been your favorite project so far?
I have had the wonderful opportunity to travel to locations to meet associates I have spoken to for 5 years. Meeting a person face-to-face has more value, communication, support, and personal interaction versus over a computer. People are important, and I would love to continue the opportunity to meet everyone possible and represent Colas IS Support.

What drew you to working within the construction industry?
My career has been Telecom Design Engineering for 20 years. I have previously worked in construction building cell towers, designing municipal building external node networks, Native American reservation cell service, and more exciting projects. If you have heard of Burning Man, I am the person who designed the cell service in the middle of the desert.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work every day?
I have met the nicest, friendliest, most genuine people throughout Colas USA at all the subsidiaries. I enjoy talking to everyone, asking how their family is, what their plans for the holidays are, they are wonderful people.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
Recently, I have been studying for my FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) securities investment license. You may be wondering why! I know people need help, and I first thought of all my Colas associates. I have the benefit of meeting & knowing so many wonderful people within Colas. I want to teach you how to save and make money, with vehicles such as, 401k rollovers, IRAs, investments, 529 college plans, ABLE accounts, ETFs, ETNs, early retirement, the options are endless. I am here to help each and every person I can.

From her nomination:
“Cynthia has a clear vision of wanting to save the company money by trying come up with solutions and suggestion on how to keep the Verizon(phone) accounts under control. She thinks outside the box to come up with ideas to help others. She has a very pleasant personality that really stands out and is always willing to solve the problem no matter how long it takes. If she can’t solve the problem, she will contact someone that can help solve it. Cynthia is an awesome, good-hearted employee who cares about her job and the company. She is well deserving of this award.”